Here are some Mason Milestones. (Pictures are all out of order... sorry!)
- Always in 70-75% for height and weight. Woo Hoo Big boy!
9 Month Checkup - 28" 21.8# - Rolled over at 4 months (6 weeks to start, but at 4 months he consistently did it)
- Sat up at 6 months - which he loved
- Started crawling at 9 months - which he loved even more
- First tooth was 8 months
- Daddy has been saying for months that he didn't want to be a baby, he wanted to get down and play - he sure became super happy as he learned to be more mobile!
- Started pulling himself up ALL the time at 10 months.
- Says Mama, Dada, tries to say brother, night night, and AHHH! He screams at you when he wants something - usually it's food or to get down in to the office (he fell a couple of times off the step and refuses to get near it again!)
- Mason LOVES showers and baths. He gets excited anytime he's around water.
- He LOVES to drink -anything. Juice, water (ice water) milk, yogurt smoothies - whatever!
- His hair is crazy - there is no combing it down- it pops back up!
- He has two bottom teeth with a third coming in and both top ones coming in. Poor guy!
Mason at 10 months. He is loving the outdoors with his family!
Mason at 8 months! :)