Friday, September 9, 2011

My angel

Here are some Mason Milestones. (Pictures are all out of order... sorry!)

  • Always in 70-75% for height and weight. Woo Hoo Big boy!
    9 Month Checkup - 28" 21.8#
  • Rolled over at 4 months (6 weeks to start, but at 4 months he consistently did it)
  • Sat up at 6 months - which he loved
  • Started crawling at 9 months - which he loved even more
  • First tooth was 8 months
  • Daddy has been saying for months that he didn't want to be a baby, he wanted to get down and play - he sure became super happy as he learned to be more mobile!
  • Started pulling himself up ALL the time at 10 months.
  • Says Mama, Dada, tries to say brother, night night, and AHHH! He screams at you when he wants something - usually it's food or to get down in to the office (he fell a couple of times off the step and refuses to get near it again!)
  • Mason LOVES showers and baths. He gets excited anytime he's around water.
  • He LOVES to drink -anything. Juice, water (ice water) milk, yogurt smoothies - whatever!
  • His hair is crazy - there is no combing it down- it pops back up!
  • He has two bottom teeth with a third coming in and both top ones coming in. Poor guy!

Ethan with his new brother! I don't think there could be a better big brother! Ethan is SO happy to have "his baby". His first and last thoughts of the day are of his baby.

First time eating green beans. He liked it, the FIRST time!

Watching Saturday morning cartoons with brother.

Giving his cousin Kayden kisses on his head. :)
Ethan fell asleep holding his brother. Such a sweet, tender moment for me to witness.

Mason at 4 months - yep, he was a chunker!

Mason at 10 months. He is loving the outdoors with his family!
Mason at 8 months! :)