Sunday, June 29, 2008


Here are some random pictures of my cute boy. He was passed around to everyone... Everyone (even people we don't know) had to hold him. He is just so darn cute!!!

Cousin Silas and Ethan

Cousin Corrienne - it looks like she's about to drop him on his head! LOL (She wasn't but it sure looks that way!)
Aunt Racheel - she realized about 2am that she was Ethan's great aunt. So Jeff started calling her "old" aunt Racheel.

This is the groom's mom. I have no idea what her name is, but she just adored Ethan. She was such a sweet lady!

My cute boy with his Nana

Ethan and Nana spent quite a bit of time together this trip. It was so cute to watch them get to know each other!

- Ethan doesn't look so happy, but his shirt is soaking wet from his drool and we thought it was pretty funny.


A tribute to my aunts and mother... Only one sister was missing. Whenever they are together it is so much fun! They laugh non-stop. They all have funny but LOUD laughs. It is so hilarious to watch them. What a great bunch of aunts and mother I have. I absolutely adore and love my aunts and mom. Granny produced the best daughters!!!! They each have so much to share with this world, with me. They have each helped me so much in their own way - at different times in my life. I just can't say enough how much I love those 5 women!!!

Racheel, Janeel and Laurie
ATTEMPTING to be serious. Yeah right!
My mom is claiming she is "the ONE", while Racheel telling us how someone pooted and stinks. LOL!
The only picture in which someone wasn't crying from laughing so hard. I can't promise that they don't have wet pants though! :)
This is the typical picture. - Laurie, Janeel, Celeen, Racheel and Their mom, my wonderful granny.

Fun in Missouri

This past weekend we were in Missouri for my cousin Jerrica's wedding. What a great time we had. But it was SO busy. Uncle Terrance designed (with blue prints) every detail of the decorations. He did SUCH A GREAT job!!! It pretty much took two and a half days to set up but it was so worth it. Jeff, mom and I stayed behind on Thursday night while everyone was in St. Louis at the temple so we could finish everything. It took all of Friday to do and we ran into the reception time finishing the food, but it turned out great. It was so much fun to see everyone and be together! But we were so exhausted when we got home! :)
They had to get a lift to attach the ring. This is Ethan bossing everyone around. :) This is the Reception before the food and the flowers. It was so beautiful when it was done. The dance floor was covered in balloons too.

- Jerrica toward the end of the night. She looked so beautiful! We love you Jerrica and are so happy for you!!!

Evidence of a good father

I posted on Father's Day about my husband being a good father. He is such a kid magnet. All of my little cousins always flock to him. Here he is, helping Corrienne tune her guitar, but in the process, the little boys (those that were there) couldn't help but hanging all over him while he played for them. He doesnt' ever mind - he just goes on playing while Brigham pulls his ears. (This was after the wedding when everyone was exhausted!!!)
They just love him. No matter where we are, they always want to be with Jeff. If he is this patient with other people's kids, I can only imagine how he is with his own son. :)

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Great Deal!

I have had 3 different girlfriends from different places recommend this make-up. Basic make-up is just $1. Yes, i said $1. The mineral make-up is $3. I have been buying Bare Essentials, but it is $17 for an eyeshadow! This is $3!!! So after the third recommendation (THANKS CARRIE!!!) I went ahead and ordered some. I'll let you know how it is. I'm kind of excited. Even make-up brushes are $1.... Yeah! It is a company called E.L.F. Here's a link if you want to check it out.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day

Today was Jeff's first Father's Day as Ethan's Daddy. How exciting! Poor Jeff has been working non stop on a project for a client. He worked all day Saturday on the server and then had to go set it up at their office. He worked all night and didn't get home until 4am. I told him to sleep, not go to conference. But he was awake when we got home. Cute little Ethan was so adorable and happy to see his Daddy. He was all smiles. We had a nice lunch together and then all took a nap together.

Here are some things that make Jeff a great dad!

  • Never ending patience!

  • Always willing to play with any kids

  • Wants to teach rather than give orders or direct. He always takes the time to teach, even when it isn't a great time. He was so great with Trevver teaching him!

  • So loving, so tender and sweet (yes, he's tender!)

  • Forever loyal

  • Wants only the best for his family

  • Works so hard to provide for us!

This is just the beginning. Anyone that knows Jeff knows how much he is loved by kids. They flock to him, climb all over him and want to be with him constantly. He wrestles with them whenever they find the need to do so. He was so cute to teach Corrienne how to play the guitar. He is just a wonderful man. He will be a great example to our children (I guess the ren implies we may have more ;-). He is a wonderful husband, I know he'll be a wonderful father!!

Stake Conference

What a great stake conference we had today. It was so nice to listen to our sweet stake president speak; along with our temple president, mission president and the stake patriarch. We also listened to a member of the 70 - Pres. Anderson, which I enjoyed a lot. Of course Ethan had to eat right at the beginning of his talk so I wasn't able to hear the beginning, but what I heard, I loved. I love the peaceful spirit that conference brings. I never want to miss it! Ethan was such a good boy. President Anderson spoke to us in the beginning and went on about how cute he was. He was such a nice guy. Very genuine. Of course Pres. Jacobson is always a pleasure to talk to. HE reminds me so much of Uncle Terrance...

I love stake conference!

Here's Ethan right before Conference. Such a cutie!

New Addition

Welcome to the family Ben! My cute cousin Jerrica is getting married in a couple of weeks. We finally met Ben when he came to Ethan's blessing. He and Jerrica are just darling together.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Granny's Balloon

So after Jerrica's shower and Sterling's farewell, there were quite a few balloons left over. The younger boys were playing keep away and "volleyball" with the balloons. After a while, everyone was playing, even Granny. It was so cute to watch her reach up and hit the ball! We love you Granny!!!

Friday, June 13, 2008


Ethan has started laughing the past couple of weeks. It is so funny. It's not real long but it is so funny when he does. Sometimes it looks like he is crying. But he looks so cute either way. We love you Ethan! Keep on laughing!

Thursday, June 12, 2008


While we were at Laurie's, we took the 4-wheeler down to the creek and went swimming. Some parts were deep enough to dive in while others were really shallow. We jumped off the bridge and had a blast. Ethan sat in his chair and loved it. It was so peaceful and calming. The water was freezing, but felt so good. It was so clean and clear, that I never wanted to get out! We had such a blast. The first night, just Laurie, Granny, Ethan and I went. But the second day, Ben, Jerrica , Lecil and Levi came with us. How fun. Ben and Jerrica were so cute to watch, Ben kept carrying her around and they splashed around.

Lecil and Jerrica. Such cute sisters!
Ben and Jerrica had a ton of fun playing in the water.

SUCH A CUTE STINKIN' BOY!!! Just loving the outdoors and the water!

So here is the deal with this picture- I only had flip flops and new tennis shoes- of which I would NOT wear in the creek. I knew from the first day that flip flops were NOT going to work. Laurie bought these sandals at a garage sale, hoping they would fit. I was really excited. I put them on and felt like Shrek. They were about 3 sizes too small. My toes hung off the front and I couldn't quite buckle the top strap. Horrible! The day before, my toes (the cute polish that WAS on them) got ruined and so my feet look ridiculous! I knew how retarded I looked, but couldn't quite explain it to my hubby. I think the flip flops worked better than these. :-)


I am so grateful for my family! Ethan and I traveled up to Springfield and Branson this past weekend. It was Jerrica's bridal shower and Sterlings farewell. We left on Thursday and came back on Monday. Mu sweet little boy was SOOO good driving both ways. He didn't start to fuss until about 15 minutes shy of each destination. It made traveling alone so much better than I thought it would be. Gosh I love him!!!

We had such a great time visiting will all of the cousins! All of the younger cousins fought over holding Ethan. At one point, I heard Levi crying with his mom that I never choose the boys to hold the baby, only the girls. He was crying so hard because he never got to hold him. So when he came out, I told him I needed him to hold baby Ethan so I could do something. He refused. (pride :) So I asked him to babysit Ethan on the bed and he agreed. After a few minutes of that, he became very excited to hold him after that. :) Cute little boy, he's 6 and just the sweetest big brother to Brigham. What a great example he will be to Ethan! We love you Levi!
Levi, Brigham and Ethan

Corrinne loved to hold Ethan. What a great cousin she is! So cute with him!!!!

Chase and Aliona have a son 5 months older than Ethan. What a cutie! He looks gigantic compared to Ethan in her arms.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Renaissance Festival

We went to the Renaissance Festival in Muskogee a couple of weeks ago with the Cooks. We had a fun time. The people were dressed up, especially the women. We saw more of most of the women than we ever wanted to see. :-) They all had on the time period dresses with the REALLY low fronts that pushed thier chest up. There were a lot of shows, one was an acrobat show that we all enjoyed.