Saturday, August 29, 2009


I thought I would take a few minutes and document some of the funny things Ethan does. I don't know how I could forget any of it, but I'm sure that I will.

Some words that he says ALL the time:

  • Da-da

  • Dogs

  • Ball (sounds more like dogs, but we know what he's saying and so does he)

  • Ca-Ca (not sure how you spell that-but it is our family word for gross, nasty etc.) One day his feet were all dirty from walking around outside barefoot. He lifts his feet to his face and says Ca-ca. So cute!

  • Yeah - He loves saying this when you ask him something and the answer is yes. He smiles so big!

  • ELMO - this is his most clear word. He knows what it means. He will hand me the remote and say Elmo. Or in the car, he says Elmo and he wants his Elmo book.

  • Mama - sometimes. Elmo is said far more often. .

  • Hot - when we get in the hot summer car, he always says hot. It sounds more like Tssst

He says some other words, but these are his more common words.

Ethan knows all of his body parts. (has for a while - but I forgot to document it before). His favorite is the elbow. Or the nose. He loves to stick his finger up his or yours. Most of the time, you get both fingers.

Ethan can tell you how old he is. When you ask him, he tries to say ONE and will hold up one finger.

He loves to point out all animals. He gets very excited at even the birds. When he sees an airplane, he tries to say it and then jump out of your arms to reach it.

He yells OOOOOHHHHH, when he's excited. Which is a lot. He shakes his head and arm while he yells. It's too funny!

He LOVES to wrestle with his Daddy. He runs into the living room, throws his body down and grunts.

He will demand that you stop doing what you are doing and tells you you are done when he wants attention. (which is a lot)

He has to have two of whatever - one for each hand. (thanks again Dad!)

He likes to blow on you and make the farting noise. Yes, he's a boy. He also likes to stick his finger as far in your belly button as it can possibly go.

He doesn't like to be dirty. If his hands or face is dirty, he will tell you ca-ca and then try to wipe them. It's funny when his feet are dirty and he looks at them and says ca-ca.

He loves to swim! He's a little fish. He loves going to Little Gym and doing the gymnastics. He LOVES to read. He likes to help feed his dogs. He loves to sign MORE... One time is never enough. He loves to explore everything and touch everything. (Thanks Dad!) He likes to play with his friend Luke.

He LOVES popcorn, spaghetti, Mexican food - particularly the beans and rice, pizza, broccoli, chicken, and anything on Dad's plate.

We love you little man!!! You are the cutest thing ever and we absolutely adore you!


BritCosplay said...

What a fun post! Your little guy is so cute. I need to see him again! I love the little things kids do and say!