Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Last Monday I was really worried. I hadn't felt our little guy move in quite a while. Since Sunday morning. So I called the Dr. and she said to come in. I figured I would drink that nasty glucose syrup on the way and have them do the test since I was supposed to have taken it almost a month before. The baby was fine - they did a non-stress test for a good chunk of the day.

BUT - I failed the first GTT. So I had to go back for the 3 hr test. How HORRIBLE!!! I had to fast for 12 hrs before, which would be fine except that I was awake since 3am and didn't sleep. (common occurance in my life) So I basically was starving since 3 am and couldn't eat until noon that day. It was so difficult. I got so sleepy and I had a massive headache.

Turns out, I am just fine, no diabetes! yeah! That would have been so awful. Our baby is doing well. We have an ultrasound scheduled on Thursday and I am so anxious to see him again! I'm 30 weeks today and just hope he comes on time so that I can meet him!