Monday, July 21, 2008

4 months

So my baby is now four months old. 16 weeks. 112 days. Wow, where did the time go? He is growing so fast and becoming SO much fun. I LOVED him as an infant, but being a "baby" now is so much fun. His laugh and smile just melts our hearts! I can hardly stand not "eating" him sometimes! I just want to take a big bite of his cute chunky legs or cheeks, or his sweet little ear and his adorable nose. (Aunt Celeen - it's for mom's to bite only! :)
Two weeks ago when we took him to Dr. Adair because we thought he had an ear infection, he weighed 13lbs .8 oz. I'll update his stats at his 4 month check up (which will happen at 4.5 months since Dr. Adair is out of town).
What is Ethan doing lately?

Rolls over front to back and SOMETIMES back to front

Scoots all over the place in his bed. I often find him upside down at the other end when I go in to
get him in the morning.

Sleeps most of the night. Sometimes wakes up to eat at 3:30, but mostly sleeps until about 5:30 and then goes back to sleep until 8:30 after eating.

Laughs and smiles constantly, especially when Daddy makes a funny face.

Loves the "farting" sound. What a boy.

Likes to jump in his jumper - but sometimes forgets how to work it and gets mad.

LOVES LOVES LOVES to suck/chew his hand. As you can see from his face, he gets real upset if you remove it before he is done. LOL

Loves to eat. (as you can see from his cheeks!)

Still won't take the bottle or pacifier, (unless you count mommy as the human pacifier!)

Loves music - especially when daddy plays guitar

Likes TV (especially Sesame Street - I know this because he'll watch it longer, usually the whole time I'm in the shower and getting dressed. Woo HOo for Elmo!)

COMMANDS my undivided attention, 24/7. He loves to be held, and won't have it any other way - even in the jumper or swing, I have to pay attention to him or I hear about it. :)

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Yeah for swimming! I love to swim, always have. I think it's because my mom started me out swimming when I was younger than Ethan. The older I got, the more I loved it. I prefer swimming over most activities. Even in-door swimming. While living in Germany, they had a ton of wonderful indoor pools that were amazing. They were huge- with different slides, different kinds of pools all over the building, hot tubs, kiddie pools etc. Their indoor pools were 10 times better than White Water or any pool I've been to.
Anyway-when Ethan was born, I knew I wanted him to grow up swimming so he wasn't afraid of the water. So we bought a pool for the back yard. He liked it even though it was much colder than Pelican Bay. He fell asleep hanging out in his floaty. He looks so stinkin cute!


The other night the dogs just wouldn't stop barking when they were outside. So Jeff went to look and found this huge possum on our fence. It wouldn't leave. He said it was huge! He took a couple of pictures and it still wouldn't leave. Here is a picture he took. They didn't come out real good, but you can sort of see how big and freaky he looks!

Pelican Bay

Last week we went to Pelican Bay. I was so worried about going all the way there and Ethan hating it, but he ended up loving it! He slept through most of it, in my arms while I sat in the pool. So he was half in the water. When he was awake, he loved it! Yeah for swimming! :-) I didn't want him to burn and the only long sleeved onsie was the one I had that they gave us in the hospital when he was born. So didn't fit! But we made it work. It looked like a straight jacket! But his Dr. said no sunscreen until he was 6 months, so I was worried about his skin. (I went and bought some onsies that would fit!!)

- Jaycie, Nathan and Grandma Brown

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Food Storage -Awesome site!

This is a very cool website my friend Carrie stumbled on from Deseret Book News. (THANKS CARRIE!!!!) On the website you can personalize your family's food storage play. You type in your family members and whether they are M/F and their age. Then you can put in however many months you want to calculate for your food storage. This is sooo AWESOME!! Also the 72 hour kits! This website offers more than the food at the cannery. Some of the stuff is cheaper to buy at the cannery... Right now there is free shipping on orders over $299 We could do a group order if anyone is interested who lives by me!!

It's pretty cool! Thanks again Carrie!