This is a very cool website my friend Carrie stumbled on from Deseret Book News. (THANKS CARRIE!!!!) On the website you can personalize your family's food storage play. You type in your family members and whether they are M/F and their age. Then you can put in however many months you want to calculate for your food storage. This is sooo AWESOME!! Also the 72 hour kits! This website offers more than the food at the cannery. Some of the stuff is cheaper to buy at the cannery... Right now there is free shipping on orders over $299 We could do a group order if anyone is interested who lives by me!!
It's pretty cool! Thanks again Carrie!
hey do you still want some shears? they are $13.50 and are Gingers ($30-60 retail) and I can bring them home with me in two weeks! Oh you will be getting an invitation for a baby shower that will be saturday 26th of July (I think that is the right date) at my inlaws in Branson. Hope to see you and your baby soon!
I don't know paypal works, but you can just send a check to my mom. I don't know if it would get here in time, but we can just get the shears now and you can send the money to my mom or me the next time we see each other! love ya, britt
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