Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Freckled Lemonade

We went to Red Robin with Kim and Tommy for his birthday. (Happy Birthday!!!) Ethan was sitting on the table with me. I was drinking the "freckled lemonade", which is really just strawberry lemonade and sprite. Anyway, Ethan loves cold things and when he got a hold of my drink, he didn't want to let go. He started grabbing the straw and putting it in his mouth like he really knew what to do. It was so funny. (no, he didn't drink it!) But this picture looks like he's drunk. The one with daddy looks like he's having a grand ole time, after getting drunk. Thanks to Vicki! Our meal was freeeeee! Woo Hoo!!! I love Red Robin and was thrilled we ate for free!


lexie said...

Ya should a let him have a drink! Aiden loves drinking out of straws!

Brittany said...

hahaha! this is too adorable!

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.