Thursday, May 22, 2008

Family Pics

Friday, May 16, 2008

6 weeks and doing what????

So last night Ethan and I were laying on the floor for "tummy time". He loves being on his tummy and both Jeff and I lay down with him for this fun time. Last night, Jeff ran to get some dinner, so it was just Ethan and I. The little stinker ROLLED OVER!!!! At first, I thought I had imagined it and put him back on his tummy. Then he did it again! I was crushed! So I waited for Jeff to get him - just to make sure I wasn't losing my mind. He did it again. Jeff was shocked. At that point I decided enough was enough and there would be no more of that. He is NOT supposed to roll over so quickly. He's been trying for a couple of weeks. Kim was playing with him one day a couple of weeks ago and noticed, but she said surely not for a few months. Why is time passing by so quickly?

Monday, May 12, 2008


One of the most important people in my life is my Granny. She has been my rock and angel. She has also been my greatest strength and comfort for most of my life, especially as an adult. She is tireless in her efforts to help everyone. Her testimony of our Savior is such an example. I love her so much and am so grateful to her for everything! Some of my fondest memories growing up were of her. I would spend the night on a Friday and get up early to go to garage sales with her. She always hopped out of the truck before Papa stopped all the way. It was so funny! I went and spent some time in the summer with her in Missouri. It was such a happy time for me. She holds such a magical place in my heart and I am so thankful to have such an amazing grandmother. I wanted my son to know her and to love her as I do. I know it was so hard for her to travel to come to his blessing, but it was so important to me and also to my son (He just doesn't know it yet!) I wanted him to have our Granny there with him while he was being blessed. I am so thankful she would come!!!

I love you Granny!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

My Mom

There is so much I can say about my mom, but I wanted only to tell her I love her! I am grateful to her!!! I enjoy being with her and our silly traditions.

My mom has SO many wonderful talents. I can't being to describe her talents except to say that whatever she wants to do, she does. Her garden is amazing, she can build her own house, she has become a great hair dresser, she tiled my beautiful back splash, she remodeled her own home by herself, she is a fantastic photographer, she is extremely artistic, she is amazingly kind and a huge heart. The list could go on. My mom is wonderful in so many ways!

Mother's Day

Words can't describe the feeling of being a mother. It's been said that you can't understand until it happens to you; that statement is so true. I had no idea the love that would be felt so overwhelmingly strong for such a small little bundle of joy. I never imagined having such a beautiful child. Little Ethan, I love you so much - you are my light and joy. You can't imagine the love that your father and I feel for you! We love you!
Here is a poem that was in a talk given by President Monson some several years ago.

“The Name of Mother”
The holiest words my tongue can frame,
The noblest thoughts my soul can claim,
Unworthy are to praise the name
More precious than all other.
An infant, when her love first came,
A man, I find it still the same,
Reverently I breathe her name,The blessed name of mother

I am so grateful to my Heavenly Father for sending me one of his precious spirits. I am so thankful he would trust me enough to raise him as my child. I LOVE being a mother!!!


He wore the special booties Granny made for him and we used the sweet blanket Aunt Ann knitted for him. Thank you both so much!!!

So today was Ethan's special day. Today he was given his blessing. His Uncle Terrance Thedell blessed him. What a joyous time for all of us, but especially for his Dad and I. Uncle Terrance gave him such a beautiful blessing, one that was prompted only by the Spirit and our Heavenly Father. Ethan fussed for the majority of his blessing. But his blessing was one of great emotion and peace for me. I am so grateful to those that participated, especially Terrance. How grateful I am for the restored Gospel in which we have the Priesthood! I am grateful that we are able to bless our babies, to bring them up in the gospel. I am grateful that my son will be able to have the priesthood one day and be able to bless his children. Oh what a joy!

Those that came for his blessing are:

His Granny - Mrs. Aleen Wakefield
The Thedell Family - Uncle Terrance, Aunt Celeen, Cousins -Sterling, Lecil, Corrienne, Levi, Brigham. Also Jerrica and our newest cousin, Ben, her soon to be husband.
The Guenin Famiy - Uncle Dan, Aunt Laurie and our little cousin Joseph.
His Aunt Ann - or Andy as I like to call her.
His Nana and Aunt Sarah

Thank you to all that partcipated in his blessing.

Uncle Terrance, Uncle Dan, Sterling, Bishop Tanner, Tommy Cook

Uncle Terrance and Aunt Celeen

Our family came a long way, some 6 hours, to be here. We are so grateful to you! We love you so much!!!