Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Softball & Beehives

Ethan went to his first softball game last week. We had a lot of fun. We went to cheer on two of the YW. It was one of their last games and they were so adorable! I just love these girls. I am grateful that I have been able to get to know ALL of the YW, not just the Laurels. The Beehives hold such an amazing place in my heart and I just love them! Their joy to be in YW is overpowering sometimes and I wish that it would rub off on some of the other girls who have been in for a while. It seems they have forgotten how exciting it is to be in YW, out of primary... I love you Beehives!!!

The Polings were there and offered to let Ethan use their blanket. He really liked being outside in the beautiful weather!