Ethan is 12 months old. A full year. Happy Birthday Boy!!! Here are some Ethan facts:
- He can now walk. What?? How did that happen?? He's pretty good at it for a little guy.
- He throws balls and attempts to catch them.
- Can say about 8 different words - his favorite is dog.
- Is still nursing. Yes. Please don't give me grief. I get enough. It's down to naps/bedtime.
- Has 4 fantastic teeth.
- Turns off the lights.
- Loves to swim.
- Laughs about everything.
- Likes to play tricks, especially on Daddy.
- Can sign a few words. Milk, more, eat, cracker.
- Has moved up in the height scale - he's now in the 25th percentile. Grow baby Grow!
- Has great coordination and gross motor skills. He scored fantastic on his tests.
- Has now had 2 big boy hair cuts.
- Makes funny faces constantly and knows he's doing it.
- LOVES sports, watching and playing.
- Likes playing on the phone and attempts to say Hello (it sounds like Ho) He will use his hand if he doesn't have a phone.
- Has both of his parents totally wrapped around his finger.
We love you little guy!!!
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