Thursday, April 2, 2009

The box

We have a very long fireplace. It has been a real concern with Ethan crawling and learning to walk. So we built a "bench" of sorts around the brick. Jeff made the wood and then I padded and covered it. The padding came in a huge box. Ethan and Daddy had a blast playing in the box.

Dad stuffed himself in the box and would poke his hand out. Ethan would attempt to open the box and Dad would pop it open and surprise him. It was so funny to watch Ethan be surprised, EVERYTIME.

Good thing Dad is flexible!


Anonymous said...

HOw cute Charlie, Wish you guys were close by so we could play with Ethan and have fun. We miss you. I still have the little jacket I need to send off. Hopefuly before it gets to warm to wear it.

lexie said...

I want to see what the bench looks like.

Anonymous said...

While the weather is still nice every week there have been community sales. Bruce and I went last week and had oodles of fun. You never know what you will find. I hope you will come, come quick while the weather is still nice.
Love ya P.s. Can you bring your cute mama? I miss her!