Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Home Teachers

The power of the priesthood is so amazing. I called James Eddleman (our home teacher) today for a blessing. Of course he came right away. I can't begin to express my gratitude to him and to my Heavenly Father. What a comfort that blessing was! Almost immediately after the blessing I started to feel better. The cramping was gone, the back ache was gone and emotionally I was "whole". What a comfort! What a comfort for him to promise that I would be able to handle everything just fine. It's almost silly that I didn't ask before. He told me to rely on my friends and family from my ward. In the blessing I thought it was such a strange thing to say, but after thinking about it - I know that so many people in our ward would be so willing to help us. But I never before would accept the help, forget asking. I am more than willing and happy to help others, but I would never ask or accept help. Maybe this is Heavenly Father's way of telling me I am not super woman... Right now I feel like I could do anything in the world - I feel SO much better! Physically and emotionally!

I have such a strong testimony of the Priesthood and blessings!!! I can't thank James enough for being so willing and quick to come help! What a great home teacher I have!!


Carrie said...

I am so sorry you are feeling so yucky! I feel like I always have advice, but right now I can't think of the right words...I am soo tired and needing sleep as well. I am glad you didn't do the induction though. My dad always says that it won't work if you aren't already dialting and ready. I sure hope you get feeling better and can have this baby soon. Tell me again your due date?