Today was a super busy day for us. We woke up early and started the outside lights. I had to make pies and green bean casserole for the ward party. So I ran to the store, started the pies and started the outside lights. Ethan had a Dr. appt at noon. We had to go ALL the way down to OU Children's hospital. He had a renal ultrasound scheduled. We had to be there a half hour early. All so we could wait for 45 minutes on top of our 30 minutes. She told us it was for paperwork, but the only paperwork we had to "fill out" was one signature. Retarded. The actual ultrasound was only 10 minutes. LOL - what is that about????
After Cirque we went to our ward Christmas party. We had a great dinner and we were able to hang out for a little bit. Santa didn't come, which was so disappointing. We didn't want to have to go to the mall for pictures, but I'm glad we went anyway. I can never get enough turkey dinner! Ethan was exhausted and couldn't stand being awake anymore so we left about 8:30. He was asleep in about 20 seconds once I laid him down. Poor guy was pooped! But we had such a great day together as a family. Days like today make all of the other days tolerable.
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